In noting registration for 9/19 zoom talk, what is ICWA?

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Hi Elizabeth! The event is hosted by the Indiana Council on World Affairs (indianaworld.org).

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Gun laws that protect people from being killed at school, houses of worship, grocery stores, fast food drive ups, walking on a sidewalk, standing in their yard, knocking on the wrong door (by mistake) — do not violate the Second Amendment right to possess a gun. Keeping guns away from people with suicide ideation is keeping them from making a permanent decision. Violent people who assault others don’t need guns either. (Domestic violence offenders.)

Most Americans— referenced by the research — support gun laws but understand the rights as evidenced in the Second Amendment to own a gun.

When the children at Uvalde were murdered, the assault weapon destroyed many little faces. They had to be identified by their dental records.

Assault rifles are military weapons. They are not even hunting weapons because they destroy the animal.

So, a logical solution to the violence in America is to begin with common sense gun laws that recognize what millions of Americans want. Safety.

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