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What I find interesting about 97Percent is that while they mention all the benefits of the myriad of 2A laws, and proclaim to be safety oriented (which we are all for) they fail to mention ALL the good things in gun/firearms education that is already on the books and ongoing thru gun rights organizations! NRA trains and educates thousands of Range Safety Officers who instruct millions of gun owners. This happens in safe environments and via safe sanctioned organizations. Because these basic programs and rights are not even mentioned, it leaves readers with the impression that 97Percent is nothing more than a gun control group with a hidden, or different angle approach to anti gun outcomes. I am just saying, because of the attacks on gun owners nationwide. Maybe we could see a combined effort on these issues from both sides. Example: Does Mexico believe that the gun manufactures are really responsible for cartels owning guns in Mexico? (The Obama admin. ran guns to Mexico aka "fast and furious"). So they want to sue American gun manufacturers? While the cartels run the US Southern Border which gets less attention than the issue of guns by this group? Rahaimi is a good decision, but how anti gunners frame it and use it against the Bruen Decision might be more telling as multiple anti-gun AG's from anti-gun states have come out of the wood work to attack every angle regarding legitimate gun owners. Can we see the statistics in a state like California where the government is overtly on the attack against law abiding gun owners? Statistics such as the number of NEW laws enacted regarding gun owners / regulations in the state? It will become obvious that the 2nd amendment may be under attack like no other constitutional amendment in America! Finally, look at the criminal % of LAW ABIDING gun owners, especially CCW (and find the lowest criminality of groups of individuals) and yet, always under attack! Please address all issues. Thank you. In principal I support the 97Percent cause, yet have many, many questions about the true motive behind this group. Here is an open opportunity to address some of the issues I just highlighted. Be my guest. Thanks again. RH - California

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